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Monday, 2 March 2015

Daylight Losing Time

I had heard of Daylight Saving Time, like everyone else, but a friend of mine recently brought me up to speed on a concept new to me in the world of How To Deal With Winter. In fact he didn't just calmly tell me about it, he ranted and foamed and gnashed his teeth about it. I felt that kind of passion might mean it's a topic worth sharing.

We all know that in a lot of places in Canada and the U.S. we set our clocks back an hour in the fall and forward an hour in the spring. Spring forward, fall back was one of the most helpful mnemonic devices of my household life. I'm not sure but I think this time shifting thing was started a long time ago in aid of having the chance of a little bit of daylight in the morning to milk the cows by,  or to help manufacturers by maximizing the amount of natural light they could use for the day shift at their plants. Something like that. In more recent decades there's been a vigorous debate about how relevant or necessary the time shifting thing really is anymore - we're a much less agrarian country than we used to be, lighting is probably cheaper than it used to be, things like that. In this country, Saskatchewan has opted to stop shifting their time back and forth, making Saskatcheweinians among the less confused citizens of our country...which they probably already were anyway, as evidenced by the fact that they recognized the folly of this time shifting thing and put a stop to it.

The argument (and finally also the point of this note) then becomes where to stop the shift - in Sprung Forward mode or in Fallen Back mode?

It's clear to me that the Sprung Forward proponents have read an earlier post on this blog referring the power of Marketing, because they seem to have taken an early lead in the debate by labelling the Fallen Back group's proposal as Daylight Losing Time - I thought "Fallen Back" was already pretty negative sounding, but Daylight Losing Time tops it. This plucky group of likely slackers has also worked up a satisfying character assassination approach to describe "the kind of people who support Daylight Loser uh Losing Time". Apparently the Daylight Loser crowd are a bunch of baby-eating go-getters, who want it to be lighter earlier in the day so they can get a leg up on crucifying their competition before coffee time. These shallow, materialistic, capitalist pig types don't care about light in the evenings because they just want to get to bed early so they can get up early and get right back to tearing each other limb from limb. They don't want to have fun the evenings, at least not the kind of fun that requires natural light or probably fresh air.

I'm sure that in that last paragraph you can hear the foaming and teeth-gnashing I mentioned above.
What I'm much less certain about is what the actual position of those favouring the Fallen Back posture might be, what advantages it may have, and what amusing character flaws are shared by anyone who thinks remaining forever Sprung Forward is for some inexplicable reason good.

Can anyone reading this tell me?  I wonder what positions the readers of this post might take?  I wonder if there's constancy or inconsistency within this group on this question? If you have a position or opinion and would care to post a comment expressing it, that would be great. We could start taking bets on whether or when it's going to happen as well as on what the outcome of the debate will be within this province.

Let me know...thanks.

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